Vacancies at World Health Organization (WHO)



Company Info

Large organization

200 + Employees

World Health Organization (WHO) - Within the United Nations system, we are in charge of directing and coordinating worldwide health efforts. We accomplish this by: providing leadership on major health issues and forming alliances when collaborative action is required; setting the research agenda; and encouraging the development, translation, and dissemination of useful knowledge.

World Health Organization (WHO) – Within the United Nations system, we are in charge of directing and coordinating worldwide health efforts. We accomplish this by: providing leadership on major health issues and forming alliances when collaborative action is required; setting the research agenda; and encouraging the development, translation, and dissemination of useful knowledge.

1). Consultant – Mentorship and Classification of Emergency Medical Teams

Location: Nigeria

Purpose of Consultancy

  • To provide technical expertise to the WHE EMT Unit by contributing to EMT activities and products, including the organization of the mentorship, classification, and reclassification processes of Emergency Medical Teams.


  • In 2016, WHO launched a classification program for EMTs deployed internationally, with the main objective to improve the quality of care and professionalism and enhance coordination during deployments. This also included strengthening the capacities of health authorities at the national level to activate and coordinate EMTs and support the development of national EMT’s to be deployed rapidly during health emergencies given the need for urgent medical care.
  • Since the launch of the initiative, 40 teams have been classified, with more than 100 teams in different stages of the mentorship towards their classification. The toll of the pandemic within the EMT Initiative and its network partners is continuously imminent to date. Requests for assistance from Member States have increased while EMTs’ capacities to respond have been affected greatly by different factors including rebuilding their own respective capacities while with limited resources for deployment.
  • EMTs’ interest in being part of the Global classification system remains high. In the first 3 months of 2024 alone, at least 10 EMTs have commenced the mentorship process across all WHO regions. DG ECHO launched its RescEU project with the intention of classifying 21 EMTs including both EMT Type 2 and Specialized Care Teams from different Member States.
  • The increasing demand to monitor the progress of EMTs within the Classification process has therefore further constrained the availability of trained and qualified mentors.
  • Following the launch of the updated Classification and minimum standards for Emergency Medical Teams (2021), additional standards on Specialized Care Teams for Burn and Highly Infectious Diseases have been added with more to come for the rest of 2024.
  • The consultancy is needed to ensure the continuation of mentorship and classification of EMTs while adapting to new standards and available resources.


  • Output 1: To organize the classification process based on the Classification and minimum technical standards for Emergency Medical Teams (2021) and other pertinent documents.
  • Activity 1.1: Implement the database (KIMEP), ensuring the availability of updated information, of EMTs in the classification system.
  • Activity 1.2: Develop at least two (2) more tools and technical products related to classification and minimum technical standards based on existing guidelines.
  • Activity 1.3:  Collaborate with the EMT Secretariat to ensure the dissemination of developed tools and technical products related to classification.
  • Activity 1.4: Provide technical inputs in the verification process, based on systems and processes in place, of EMTs as well as participate in two (2) to three (3) pre-verification visits.
  • Activity 1.5: Provide a monthly report on classification and mentorship-related activities including main outcomes, opportunities for the EMT Initiative, and key recommendations relevant to the Initiative.
  • Activity 1.6: Coordinate with both Mentors and the EMT Secretariat on activity dates related to pre- and/or verification visits.
  • Output 2: To organize the mentorship process based on the Classification and minimum technical standards for Emergency Medical Teams (2021) and other pertinent documents.
  • Activity 2.1: Maintain the database, ensuring the availability of updated information, on Mentors and their EMT assignments/allocations toward classification.
  • Activity 2.2: Develop tools and technical products related to mentorship based on existing guidelines.
  • Activity 2.3: Collaborate with the EMT Secretariat to ensure the dissemination of developed tools and technical products related to mentorship.
  • Activity 2.4: Provide guidance to Mentors in both technical and non-technical capacities to guide EMTs during mentorship and towards classification, as well as participate in Mentorship or Pre-verification or Verification visits, as needed.
  • Activity 2.5: Provide the EMT Secretariat bi-weekly updates on mentorship activities and ensure that documents from mentors are up to date.
  • Activity 2.6: Provide a monthly report on classification and mentorship-related activities including main outcomes, opportunities for the EMT Initiative, and key recommendations relevant to the Initiative.
  • Activity 2.7: Coordinate with both Mentors and the EMT Secretariat on activity dates related to mentorship visits.
  • Output 3: To provide technical expertise to the EMT Secretariat in the development of key guidelines and processes.
  • Activity 3.1: Provide an expert review or written guidance on the development of support materials for the purpose of placing forward the development of the initiative such as participation in technical working groups.
  • Activity 3.2: Finalize the Classification Handbook for Mentors and EMTs (ENG) to ensure effective guidance among EMTs towards its classification and compliance with the minimum standard sand draft the Classification Handbook for Mentors and EMTs in one of the official UN languages.
  • Output 4: To provide technical expertise to the EMT Secretariat in the operational management of the RescEU project.
  • Activity 4.1: Manage the mentorship for 21 RescEU EMTs, including the identification and support to technical and non-technical capacities to guide both mentors and EMTs during mentorship, and ensure that documents from mentors and EMTs are maintained and up to date.
  • Activity 4.2: Develop and implement technical products related to mentorship and classification specific to the implementation of the RescEU project..
  • Activity 4.3: Provide the EMT Secretariat with bi-weekly updates on mentorship activities, including but not exclusive to participation in meetings related to the RescEU project, and coordination of dates related to mentorship activities.
  • Activity 4.4: Coordinate with both the EMT Secretariat and DG ECHO with updates on the progress of mentorship of RescEU EMTs including main outcomes, opportunities for the EMT Secretariat, and key recommendations directly related and relevant to the implementation of the project.

Educational Qualifications

  • Advanced University Degree in Health (Medicine, Public Health, nursing or another related field).


  • Training/certification in emergency response and quality improvement/ quality assurance processes EMT Mentor training.
  • Rapid response training such as EMT, UNDAC, or INSARAG.
  • Completion of the WHO EMT Mentor training or have completed similar training in mentorship application.


  • Over 10 years of demonstrable experience in the development and/or management of Emergency Medical Teams or similar emergency response teams (medical or search and rescue) and direct engagement with other partners including donors and other international organizations.


  • Experience in field emergency management related to Emergency Medical Teams.
  • Experience with WHO, ICRC, IFRC, MSF or national emergency response systems.
  • Experience in the management and application of logistics for emergency medical teams or similar emergency response teams.


  • Expert knowledge about the EMT guiding principles, core, technical standards, and coordination mechanisms.
  • Ability to plan and organize tasks related to multiple simultaneous projects, and with attention to details.
  • Excellent interpersonal and team leadership skills, including ability to network and develop effective working relationships with a range of stakeholders, donors, and partners.
  • Ability to review, develop, and implement program procedures, systems, and processes.
  • Ability to maintain a positive and flexible problem-solving approach with a can-do attitude.
  • Good project management skills with experience in proposal development, implementation of emergency and developmental-related projects.
  • Ability to identify, pre-empt, and manage program challenges.
  • Working knowledge of Microsoft Word, excel, and other related software.

Languages Required:

  • Expert knowledge of English.


  • Intermediate knowledge of French or another UN language


  • The consultant is expected to travel.
  • Remuneration and budget (travel costs are excluded):

Band level C – USD 500 – USD 625 per day.



2). Consultant – Technical Guidance on Health Equity for Persons with Disabilities

Location: Nigeria

Purpose of Consultancy

  • To provide technical guidance to WHO and Member States in advancing health equity for persons with disabilities, including providing guidance on advocacy activities.


  • In December 2022, the WHO Global Report on Health Equity for Persons with Disabilities was published.
  • This report came at the direct request of Member States through WHA resolution 74.8 on the highest attainable standard of health for persons with disabilities. This resolution requested WHO to produce a report on the highest attainable standard of health for persons with disabilities, which included updated WHO Global estimates on disability prevalence, as well as recommendations for strengthening health systems to better include persons with disabilities.
  • The Global Report outlines a range of actions that Member States can take to address health inequities, building on the existing health system strengthening approach of primary health care. To contribute to the recommendations of the Global Report, WHO is currently developing a range of technical guidance and advocacy materials.


  • Activity 1: Develop and build capacity on communication related impairments for WHO programmes guidance and to contribute to country capacity building:
    • Deliverable 1.1: Develop background research paper on speech and communication related impairments and associated disability.
    • Deliverable 1.2: Research existing tools and develop training toolkit for internal and external audiences on interventions needed to address speech and communication related impairments.
    • Deliverable 1.3: Develop and deliver training for WHO and partners on interventions to address speech and language related impairments and associated disabilities.
      Expected by April 2025
  • Activity 2: Technical guidance to WHO and Member States, particularly Francophone countries, in advancing health equity for persons with disabilities. Specifically:
    • Deliverable 2.1: Produce a background research paper and technical guidance on disability inclusion for communicable and noncommunicable disease technical programmatic areas of work for WHO.
    • Deliverable 2.2: Produce a background research paper and technical guidance on disability inclusion for health systems technical programme areas of work for WHO.
    • Deliverable 2.3: Produce a background research paper and technical guidance on disability inclusion for health emergencies programme areas of work for WHO.
    • Deliverable 2.4: Produce a background research paper and technical guidance on disability inclusion Francophone countries.
      Expected by April 2025
  • Activity 3: Develop and disseminate advocacy materials for WHO and partners to advance health equity for persons with disabilities. Specifically:
    • Deliverable 3.1: Contribute to the development of information and updating of the WHO disability internal SharePoint platform.
    • Deliverable 3.2: Develop and contribute to the preparation and dissemination of advocacy materials on health equity for persons with disabilities.
    • Deliverable 3.3: Prepare materials and advise other WHO technical programmes in the development of advocacy activities so that they are disability inclusive.
      Expected by April 2025

Educational Qualifications

  • First University Degree in Speech and Language Sciences, Linguistics or Disability Studies.


  • Advanced University Degree in speech and language sciences, linguistics or disability studies.



  • At least 2 years of relevant experience working with persons with speech and language impairments.
  • At least 2 years of experience with carrying out research in the field of disability.
  • Demonstrated experience developing technical guidance on disability inclusion and advocacy materials.
  • Proven record of publications in scientific journals on health equity for persons with disabilities and the provision of health services for persons with disabilities during health emergencies.


  • Experience in health system assessments and working with the UN system.
  • Experience working with WHO.
  • Skills:
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
  • Excellent interpersonal skills.
  • Technical expertise in gender equality, intersectional approaches, and humanitarian response.

Languages required:

  • Expert knowledge of English.
  • Expert knowledge of French.

Band level A – USD 3,955 – USD 6,980 per month.



3). Consultant – Innovation and Research

Location: Nigeria

Purpose of Consultancy

  • The Innovation and Research Unit (INR) under the Data, Strategy and Innovations (DSI) group at WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific (WPRO) is seeking a consultant to provide technical support for the research and innovation functions of the unit on a part-time basis.


  • The Data, Strategy and Innovation (DSI) Group was set up in 2019 in the Western Pacific Regional Office (WPRO) with a focus to support Member States to harness the power of data, digital technology, science and innovation; and accelerate health systems transformation and futureproofing towards achieving universal health coverage (UHC).
  • The INR team aims to leverage advances in technology and progress in social innovation to promote health equity in the Western Pacific Region. This goal is achieved by employing various methodologies to enhance the adoption of evidence-based solutions, using sandboxing and experimentation to discover new approaches for problem-solving, and facilitating regional networks to provide resources and expertise to Member States. This support helps in building local capacity for finding innovative solutions to chronic problems.
  • In 2023, the Regional Health Innovation Strategy for the Western Pacific was endorsed at the 74th session of the Regional Committee Meeting. Starting this year, a series of activities have been planned to implement the Strategy in key areas of action, including strengthening governance and financing, developing innovation capacity, and evaluation of health innovation. Activities included in this Terms of Reference are intended to support countries in developing project-based innovation capacity.


  • Output 1: Engage stakeholders, identify entry points for an innovation sand box in selected Member States.
  • Deliverable 1.1: Stakeholder engagement completed with at least 1 Member State to raise awareness on the principles of innovation sandbox.
  • Deliverable 1.2: One identified entry point utilized to create innovation sandbox innovation in one member state.
  • Output 2: Develop a proposal for further scaling up the innovation sandbox and share with funding agencies.
  • Deliverable 2.1: Funding agencies with interest in the proposed innovation sandbox identified
  • Deliverable 2.2: Grant proposals on research and innovation capacity building developed and disseminated for funding consideration
  • Output 3: Develop the outline for a case study based on the innovation sandbox.
  • Deliverable 3.1: Outline for the case study on the innovation sandbox developed.

Educational Qualifications

  • Essential: First University Degree in Social Science or Public Health from a recognized institution
  • Desirable: Advanced university degree in social science, public health or epidemiology


  • At least five years of work experience in designing, developing, and deploying healthcare technology innovation
  • Experience in engaging public sector research institutions in the Region to gather data and insight
  • Experience working in the government sector in WPR Member States
  • Experience in developing innovation sandbox in developing country contexts with both state and non-state actors


  • Previous work experience with WHO, other international organizations and/or major institutions in the field of public health innovation


  • Product design and development
  • Strong project management skills
  • Strong writing skills
  • Research and Analytical Skills
  • Communication and Reporting Skills


  • Knowledge of the regional funding landscape for healthcare innovation

Languages and level required :

  • Expert knowledge of English


  • Band level B: USD 350/day
  •  FTE: 50 days over the five-month period (50%)



4). Consultant – Noma and NTDs

Location: Nigeria

Purpose of Consultancy

  • To guide cross-departmental work on noma between NCD and NTD at WHO HQ, as well as facilitate collaboration with WHO Regional and Country offices and all stakeholders.


  • Noma, a severe gangrenous disease of the mouth and face, primarily affects malnourished young children (between the ages of 2 and 6 years) in regions of extreme poverty. It starts as an inflammation of the gums, which, if not treated early, spreads quickly to destroy facial tissues and bones. It frequently leads to death, with survivors suffering severe disfigurement. Cases of noma are mostly found in sub-Saharan Africa, although cases have also been reported in the Americas and Asia. There are multiple risk factors associated with this disease, including poor oral hygiene, malnutrition, weakened immune systems, infections, and extreme poverty. Noma isn’t contagious but tends to strike when the body’s defenses are down.
  • On 15 December 2023, following a recommendation of the Strategic and Technical Advisory Group for Neglected Tropical Diseases (STAG-NTD), WHO announced the inclusion of noma into the WHO list of neglected tropical disease (NTDs).
  • Noma is now positioned to align with both the ambitious goals of the Global Oral Health Action Plan (2023-2030), managed by the NCD Department, and the NTD road map 2021-2030, managed by the NTD Department.
  • WHO has been working on noma since the 1990s: technical guidance and field tools have been developed, and a global network and community of practice has been formed.
  • The WHO African Region established the regional noma control programme in 2001 and has made great progress in supporting action against noma in countries reporting cases. The noma step-by-step guide published in 2020 to support priority countries in line with the UHC and SDGs targets lays the foundation of integration within the NTD roadmap and the development of disease-specific guidance and targets.
  • With the inclusion of noma, WHO’s NTD list now includes 21 diseases or groups of diseases. Collective action on NTDs by WHO is driven by the ambitious targets set out in the NTD road map 2021-2030. However, the road map was established prior to noma’s inclusion in the NTD list and additional work is needed to harmonize and integrate noma.


  • Develop technical guidance for the integration of noma into the WHO NTD roadmap 2021-2030.
    Expected by: first 2 months
  • Update of existing tools to contribute to prevention and control of noma in the field.
    Expected by: first 2 months
  • Develop a global communication and advocacy strategy to integrate noma into the NTD brand.
    Expected by: first 4 months
  • Develop a database of existing global networks and community of practice dedicated to noma to facilitate partnership.
    Expected by: first 4 months
  • Develop technical documents to guide health workers to diagnose and treat cases.
    Expected by: first 4 months
  • Develop a document outlining the research priorities for noma to facilitate inclusion of in the NTD R&D Blueprint.
    Expected by: first 8 months
  • Organize global technical and partnership meetings on noma.
    Expected by: first 10 months
  • Facilitate the involvement of people with lived experience / survivors in all relevant initiatives.
    Expected by: first 11 months
  • Advise WHO regional and country offices to guide ministries of health in addressing noma within the NTDs and Oral Health Programmes.
    Expected by: first 11 months

Educational Qualifications

  • First University Degree in Medicine, Dentistry or Health-related field.


  • Advanced University Degree in Public Health or related field.


  • 5-10 years of relevant experience working on noma and public health.


  • Ability to work harmoniously in a team, adapt to a diverse working and cultural environment.
  • Ability to take initiatives and provide innovative ideas.
  • Excellent writing and communication skills.
  • Familiarity with Microsoft Office (excel, PowerPoint, word etc.) and other tools as well as social media tools.
  • Ability to liaise and respectfully communicate with diverse stakeholders.
  • Knowledge of noma and its social and public health impact.
  • Knowledge in public health and tropical diseases.

Languages Required:

  • Expert knowledge of English.
  • Intermediate knowledge of French.


  • Band level B: USD 350/day
  •  FTE: 50 days over the five-month period (50%)

Deadline: Apr 26, 2024

How to Apply: Interested candidates should use the links below to apply: